
Supressing the fetish

This is a big question, which might be posed to an expert or therapist.

I think suppress is a strong word, as it implies that you'd want it to be controlled. Perhaps even forcibly.

Getting rid of or affecting a kink like that, I think is impossible. Or would take a lot of energy and effort. Learning to accept it as part of how you view sexuality is important and may take less energy/time.
3 months

Supressing the fetish

What you have said relates to a lot of different people's experiences. I haven't been a gainer, but did date a gainer moons ago and this is something she experienced a lot of.

When thinking of possible health issues, it might not always lead to complications or strictly adverse effects. Pros and possible cons, but nothing set in stone. I suppose, small/less extreme instances of weight gain might not be as scary as more long term/extreme aspects.

Is it the fantasy that you find slightly difficult here? I'm sure there are many kinks that people wouldn't say are strictly beneficial (e.g. inflating with pumps, CBT, bondage) and yet can be fun (if preformed safely). I suppose there should be more community created info on how to enjoy gaining kinks with safety in mind (emotional safety, for instance).

I don't see harm in enjoying a fantasy or partipating in supporting/watching gainers enjoying their kinks. I'm sure equally that some might disagree.

On the point of bouncing between places, that part is trickier, as it can be quite upsetting to say goodbye to social relationships we have. I think on here, I spend about 1/10th of my time talking about inflation and 9/10th of my time enjoying memes/discussing life. It's a good place for being social, moreso than fully partipating in kinky fun times. Can you see yourself enjoying being social on here, without participating in the kink?

Just some food for thought, but what you are saying does relate a fair bit to how people feel about trying to enjoy something that also brings a sense of frustration or shame.
3 months

Supressing the fetish

It’s important distinction here, are you a feeder/fat admirer or you struggling with the idea of getting fat yourself?

If it’s the former where you feel the need to repress your attraction to fat people you need to do some serious reflection on why that is, fat people aren’t worth your time if you can’t even admit you like them.

Can’t comment much on the later. Its just something you should do if it feels right and you can maintain your life while doing so
3 months

Supressing the fetish

Can you suppress the fetish and find happyness trough other aspects in life?

Can you suppress a fetish? No. You can try, but you'll end up miserable. Instead, it's best to explore other avenues that balance your fetish with other aspects of your life.

What that looks like depends on you. What prompted the question?
3 months

Supressing the fetish

Can you suppress the fetish and find happyness trough other aspects in life?

I dont know how you can find happyness from a fetish, at least directly. A fetish has to do with pleasure, in order to find happyness you need to work for a higher cause, and so on.

What my advice is, is to start working on something exciting, so exciting that it makes you forget about your fetish! Dont try to do anything with the fetish itself, just let yourself get carried away from it, with something else.
3 months

Supressing the fetish

Can you suppress the fetish and find happyness trough other aspects in life?

I doubt you can completely suppress it but you can just keep it as a fantasy and find happiness elsewhere. There's more to life than feedism.
3 months

Supressing the fetish

Can you suppress the fetish and find happyness trough other aspects in life?

I dont know how you can find happyness from a fetish, at least directly. A fetish has to do with pleasure, in order to find happyness you need to work for a higher cause, and so on.

What my advice is, is to start working on something exciting, so exciting that it makes you forget about your fetish! Dont try to do anything with the fetish itself, just let yourself get carried away from it, with something else.

This is like trying to kick binge eating by taking up smoking.

Assuming he has maladaptive habits with his feedist kink, it's just swapping one vice for another at best, or ending up with multiple vices at worst.
3 months

Supressing the fetish

Can you suppress the fetish and find happyness trough other aspects in life?

I dont know how you can find happyness from a fetish, at least directly. A fetish has to do with pleasure, in order to find happyness you need to work for a higher cause, and so on.

What my advice is, is to start working on something exciting, so exciting that it makes you forget about your fetish! Dont try to do anything with the fetish itself, just let yourself get carried away from it, with something else.

This is like trying to kick binge eating by taking up smoking.

Assuming he has maladaptive habits with his feedist kink, it's just swapping one vice for another at best, or ending up with multiple vices at worst.

Sorry, i didnt word it well enough. I had in mind things like reading / writing, learning, making art, or going on bysicle rides (thats something i enjoy a lot)
3 months

Supressing the fetish

Can you suppress the fetish and find happyness trough other aspects in life?

I dont know how you can find happyness from a fetish, at least directly. A fetish has to do with pleasure, in order to find happyness you need to work for a higher cause, and so on.

What my advice is, is to start working on something exciting, so exciting that it makes you forget about your fetish! Dont try to do anything with the fetish itself, just let yourself get carried away from it, with something else.

This is like trying to kick binge eating by taking up smoking.

Assuming he has maladaptive habits with his feedist kink, it's just swapping one vice for another at best, or ending up with multiple vices at worst.

Sorry, i didnt word it well enough. I had in mind things like reading / writing, learning, making art, or going on bysicle rides (thats something i enjoy a lot)

And that's putting lipstick on a pig. If you try to deal with internal issues only by focusing on external things, you won't get very far. You need to address the internal motivation as well.

Still, fetishes and kinks are a part of you. You can find healthier ways to indulge it but can't suppress it - at least for long.
3 months

Supressing the fetish

Can you suppress the fetish and find happyness trough other aspects in life?

I dont know how you can find happyness from a fetish, at least directly. A fetish has to do with pleasure, in order to find happyness you need to work for a higher cause, and so on.

What my advice is, is to start working on something exciting, so exciting that it makes you forget about your fetish! Dont try to do anything with the fetish itself, just let yourself get carried away from it, with something else.

This is like trying to kick binge eating by taking up smoking.

Assuming he has maladaptive habits with his feedist kink, it's just swapping one vice for another at best, or ending up with multiple vices at worst.

Sorry, i didnt word it well enough. I had in mind things like reading / writing, learning, making art, or going on bysicle rides (thats something i enjoy a lot)

And that's putting lipstick on a pig. If you try to deal with internal issues only by focusing on external things, you won't get very far. You need to address the internal motivation as well.

Still, fetishes and kinks are a part of you. You can find healthier ways to indulge it but can't suppress it - at least for long.

Of what use is it to adressed the internal motivation, if you cannot surpress the fetish?

Do you mean for example, psychological addictions that might have developed?
3 months
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